Our Design Principles

Enabling “People Buy_In” With Quick Turnaround Spot Solutions

Finding Harmony Between Quick Wins And Long-Term, High-Impact Innovation
Driving Accountability with “Right Action By Right People At Right Time”
Finding Harmony Between Quick Wins And Long-Term, High-Impact Innovation
Seeking Smart Ways To Extract More From Existing Technology Investments

Solutions & Services

Digital Jump Start

While most companies like the promise of digital transformation. They are skeptical of each benefit. To address this, the specially designed package demonstrates the value of proof in 3 months or less.

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Value Backed Transformation

Recognizing that both speed and size of impact are important, this offering uses a value backed and risk managed approach to provide both a roadmap and deployment strategy.

Apps & Action Based Platform

Leveraging a unique architecture built on the Smart Manufacturing Platform from CESMII, the platform provides the ability to re-use solutions and a native integration to other manufacturing solutions connected to this platform

System Integration & Services

Recognizing the industry gap of spotty capabilities, Full-Bore provides a full-stack team to provide full coverage from Cloud and Enterprise Layer to Factory Automation and everything in-between.

About FullBore

Full-Bore is a Manufacturing Technology and Consulting firm established with the singular purpose of helping companies realize impact at scale using unique but proven methods of reimaging work with Smart Manufacturing Tools. With 90 years of collective experience in realizing hundreds of millions of impact dollars for companies worldwide, Full-Bore has the breadth and depth of expertise to help in both the strategy and the execution approaches for companies regardless of where companies are in the maturity cycle.

With deep expertise in Project Delivery, Enterprise architecture, Cloud Platforms, Data science and Factory automation, Full-bore brings full-service capability as well as efficiency in delivering overall impact.

Leveraging innovation platforms and tools that were built and proven with large corporations, the company has already won joint innovation projects with both large multinational and local smaller companies.  

About Fullbore

Our Mission

Build a “People + Technology” Scaling System specifically designed to address the critical gaps faced by small to medium manufacturing enterprises and demonstrate tangible business impact along with people transformation.

Our Vision

Our vision is to transform the manufacturing industry by helping companies break free of “pilot purgatory” with Digital Jump Start by demonstrating enterprise grade impact with existing  and new technologies.
Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc. (CCAT) and Full-Bore

Making the "Art Of The Possible" A Reality

The partnership between the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc. (CCAT) and Full-Bore is aimed at driving digital transformation at scale for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Connecticut’s manufacturing industry. By combining Full-Bore’s expertise in defining and delivering business impact for manufacturing companies worldwide and CCAT’s experience in validating, demonstrating, and assisting with the adoption of industrial technologies, the two organizations will be developing platforms and solutions to assist SMEs on their digital transformation journey.

The Smart Manufacturing Solutions Hub, formed by the two organizations, will identify and engage SMEs throughout the supply chain, and develop and implement finely-tuned, company-specific smart manufacturing solutions to drive impact. The partnership will leverage the Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform built by CESMII, the DOE Smart Manufacturing Institute, to increase the speed and decrease the cost of deployment.

This significant timely partnership holds promise for Connecticut’s manufacturing industry, enabling SMEs to drive digital transformation at scale and unlock the benefits of smart manufacturing technologies.


New Strategic Collaboration to Build Smart Manufacturing Technologies for Small and Medium-sized Manufacturers to Scale Business Impact and Compete Globally

April 28, 2023 (East Hartford, Connecticut)

The Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc. (CCAT) announced today that it has
formalized its partnership with Full-Bore, a manufacturing technology company founded by
Sudhi Bangalore, former Operations CTO of Stanley Black & Decker, to jointly innovate and build solutions that will help small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) to drive digital transformation at scale……

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Our Leadership

Sudhi Bangalore

Founding Partner & CEO

Pankaj Mohindru

Partner and Head of Customer Success

Eric Matthews

Head of Consulting

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